Saadani National Park

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Tanzania’s first coastal wildlife sanctuary is located on the Indian Ocean coast some 45 km north of Bagamoyo and directly west of Zanzibar. The park contains many indigenous species including Liechtenstein’s hartebeest and the rare Roosevelt sable. A good population of elephant live in Saadani as do several herds of buffalo while numerous large groups of hippo and crocodile inhabit the nearby Wami River. Lion, leopard, spotted hyena, and black backed jackal are present as are eland, giraffe, greater kudu, red duiker, reedbuck, warthog, waterbuck, wildebeest, zebra, yellow baboon and vervet monkey. The bird life is extensive and includes fish eagle, flamingo and the mangrove kingfisher. Dolphin are common off the coast and green turtle breed on the beach, the Kaole ruins and historic Bagamoyo are near by saadani

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Saadani National Park $ 0 $ 0 0 Anytime

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